【美國海關新規(guī)】|國海關正式實施這項新規(guī),違者面臨嚴厲處罰时间:2019-06-16 作者:長和運海運空運快遞雙清到門【原创】 阅读 走美線空運的貨代、貨主注意了!6月12日起,CBP的“ACAS計劃”在結(jié)束了一年的寬限期后,將正式強制實施!在強制實施開始后,如有違反,可能會遭到CBP的處罰,帶來經(jīng)濟損失、無法清關貨物滯留等風險! 2018年6月12日,CBP發(fā)布了航空貨物預先篩選計劃,簡稱“ACAS”。該計劃是美國海關(CBP)與運輸安全管理局(TSA)為加強空運貨物安全而制定的聯(lián)合計劃。 該計劃要求國外承運人將進口至美國的貨物(含在美國中轉(zhuǎn))信息,在貨物裝機前以電子數(shù)據(jù)方式傳給美國CBP (美國海關及邊防局)的ATS系統(tǒng)(Automated Targeting System)進行審查,以便識別進口貨物的安全威脅風險。 Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS)The Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Program went into effect on June 12, 2018, requiring the submission of advanced air cargo information on shipments arriving in the United States from a foreign location. Previously a voluntary process in which many airlines already participated globally, the program requirements are now mandatory for airlines flying to the United States. This is a necessary measure as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to raise the baseline on aviation security worldwide. As part of the ACAS program, participating carriers submit a subset of required pre-arrival air cargo data to CBP at the earliest point practicable and prior to loading the cargo onto aircraft destined to or transiting through the United States. 由于“ACAS計劃”一年的寬限期已結(jié)束,目前已陸續(xù)有航空貨運公司、貨運代理公司發(fā)布通知提醒: 自2018年6月12日起由美國當局推出的"美國空運貨物預先安檢計劃"(Air Cargo Advance Screening(ACAS)),在經(jīng)過12個月調(diào)整寬限期后,將于今年2019年6月12日起開始正式全面實施。該系統(tǒng)由CBP(美國海關及邊境保衛(wèi)局)和TSA(美國運輸安全管理局)聯(lián)合推行,主要目的是增強航空貨運的安全性。該計劃要求所有飛往美國的貨物均需在裝載于飛往美國的航班(包括所有旅客航班及全貨機航班)前取得搭載許可。 為了保證貨物的順利搭載,我司制定了以下流程,還望各位客戶能夠給予我們理解與配合。 具體要求: 1.實施開始日 2019年4月1日 出發(fā)前往美國的航班 2.對象貨物 發(fā)往美國方向的所有貨物 3.申請搭載許可流程 (1)航空公司以電子數(shù)據(jù)傳輸方式向美國當局發(fā)送貨物的相關信息(FWB/FHL)。 (2)美國當局對貨物信息進行審查,并將審查結(jié)果回復航空公司。 (3)航空公司對審查結(jié)果進行確認(※) (4)確認該貨物可搭載后,開始進行組板作業(yè)。 ※根據(jù)規(guī)定未經(jīng)審查的貨物及審查不合格的貨物不可搭載在航班上。 4.要求 (1)嚴格遵守電子數(shù)據(jù)提交時限(電子數(shù)據(jù)・AWB搬入) ※根據(jù)個別特殊情況,可能會需要客戶的另行配合,還請知曉。 (2)保證提交數(shù)據(jù)的準確性 ※如發(fā)生延遲提交貨物信息或提交信息有錯誤時,該貨物將無法搭載在原定航班上。 ※必要的信息與目前通過CCSJ等傳輸?shù)膬?nèi)容相同。 ※關于貨物品名,請申報具體的品名,而不是總稱。 5.其他 (1)我司不會將貨物的分艙單(HAWB)信息用于除運輸外的其他用途。除受到有關當局的指示外,我司亦不會將該貨物信息向包括當局在內(nèi)的其他機構進行公開。 (2)提交電子信息所需費用,請垂詢我司各銷售部門負責人。 (3)由于貨物信息不準確產(chǎn)生的海關罰金、退運費等一切費用將向代理公司征收,還望知悉。 (4)為了保證貨物的順利搭載,還煩請各位客戶盡可能通過電子傳輸方式提供信息。 要求所有運往美國或途經(jīng)美國的國際貨物提前向ACAS提交數(shù)據(jù)。最后的規(guī)則要求在合并和將貨物裝上飛機之前及時提交ACAS數(shù)據(jù)。信息提交得越早,篩檢或不加載(DNL)消息的速度就越快。 目前有幾種歸檔ACAS的方法:1)航空公司可以單獨歸檔AMS/ACAS,或者2)航空貨代和承運人可以同時歸檔(各自歸檔)。 航空公司在提交單一航空公司文件的情況下,根據(jù)《貿(mào)易法》的要求,傳送預先裝運數(shù)據(jù)以供安全備案,同時隨后傳送離境后自動艙單系統(tǒng)(AMS)數(shù)據(jù)。航空公司在裝貨前將自動醫(yī)療輔助系統(tǒng)的資料傳送給海關,并進行所有必要的檢查。CBP將使用預加載AMS傳輸來滿足ACAS和AMS的要求。 在貨運代理/航空公司的雙重備案文件中,貨運代理可以直接向CBP發(fā)送室內(nèi)航空貨運單數(shù)據(jù),以滿足預裝載目標和艙單要求。貨代和承運人在合并和交付給航空承運人之前都收到ACAS響應。航空公司在確認成功傳輸ACAS后接受貨代貨物運輸,并進行任何必要的篩選。 *空運提單號碼(House Airway bill (AWB) Number) *信息發(fā)件人 *托運人姓名和地址 *收貨人姓名和地址 *重量(單位為磅或千克) *件數(shù) *貨物描述(應避免通用貨物描述) 請貨代、貨主根據(jù)要求,提前準備好貨物相關信息,以免因為信息有誤或者不充分導致無法上機貨物延遲或者遭到CBP處罰。 如果您有疑問或者還想了解有關ACAS信息,請大家下載常見問題和實施指南: 鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MUFZ-hbqSBIOrDSRKeoZtA 提取碼:wq1c 附:空運貨物預先篩檢常見問題 Air Cargo Advance Screening Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why did the government implement the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) program and under what legal authority does it operate? A: Following a terrorist attempt in October 2010 involving explosives concealed in U.S.-bound packages from Yemen, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) worked to enhance air cargo supply chain security by piloting ACAS to target shipments inbound to the United States. CBP’s legal authority is derived from the Trade Act of 2002; TSA’s legal authority comes from the Aviation Transportation Security Act. Q: What are the benefits of the ACAS program? A: Several universal advantages include: Increased security by leveraging Department of Homeland Security (DHS) threat data and other data to employ a risk-based approach to improve air cargo security through targeted screening Gained efficiencies by automating identification of high-risk cargo for enhanced screening before it is consolidated and loaded on U.S.-bound aircraft Reduced paper processes related to cargo screening requirements, thereby increasing carrier convenience Q: Who is required to submit ACAS data to CBP? A: The inbound air carrier is required to file the ACAS data if no other eligible party elects to file. CBP is allowing parties other than the inbound air carrier to file because in some cases, these other parties will have access to accurate ACAS data sooner. For effective targeting to occur prior to loading, it is essential that the most accurate ACAS data be filed at the earliest point possible in the supply chain. This approach is consistent with parameters in the Trade Act of 2002 that require CBP to obtain data from the party most likely to have direct knowledge of the data and to balance the impact on the flow of commerce with the impact on cargo safety and security. Q: Who do I contact to begin sending ACAS data? A: All parties required to or interested in transmitting ACAS data should contact their assigned CBP Client Representative. If one has not yet been assigned, please send an e-mail to gmb.clientrepoutreach@cbp.dhs.gov. Q: What type of data do I need to submit, and how should the data be submitted? A: The ACAS data elements are a subset of the data required pursuant to section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002: Shipper name and address Consignee name and address Cargo description Piece count Weight Air waybill number Airlines and freight forwarders exchange advance security filing data and related action messages for air cargo with CBP using new messages modeled on either existing Cargo-IMP format messages or CBP CAMIR-Air messages. While the overall form of the ACAS message is similar to the message on which it is based, the new message formats have slight differences in edits, timing, or new coded values as needed. CBP has developed an ACAS Implementation Guide, but for quick reference, the messages used for ACAS are as follows: Optional ACAS Message Format Based On Source PHL FHL Cargo IMP PRI FRI CAMIR Air PSN FSN CAMIR Air PER FER CAMIR Air PWB FWB Cargo IMP Q: How far in advance does ACAS data have to be submitted? A: ACAS data should be transmitted prior to consolidation and loading the cargo on an aircraft. This timeline is required to enable risk assessment for each cargo shipment and to conduct the required screening. The sooner data are submitted to ACAS, the sooner screening or Do Not Load (DNL) determinations can be communicated to industry stakeholders, which minimizes the impact to operations. Q: Are there penalties for incorrect or untimely ACAS data submission? A: Yes, ACAS violations are subject to liquidated damages claims. However, CBP will be taking a common sense approach to enforcement, and will not generally be issuing liquidated damages claims for the first 12 months following the publication of the rule. Q: Which government agencies have access to my organization’s ACAS data submissions? A: CBP and TSA. Q: What are the costs of participating in ACAS? A: The government does not charge for ACAS participation. Organizations that use third-party service providers may find that those providers will charge for ACAS services. Q: To what extent is the international community (for example, Border Action Plan, European Union, World Customs Organization) involved with ACAS, and how is the U.S. Government promoting uniformity of air cargo security programs globally? A: A critical component to achieving a global solution to terrorism is international cooperation on data collection standards that promote a harmonized approach to international air cargo security. The United States sees ACAS as a model for the international community to effectively enhance air cargo security, and will continue to work with the World Customs Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization as harmonization of air cargo security standards spread to all areas of the globe, further facilitating trade and enhancing security worldwide. Q: What are the benefits of ACAS from a freight forwarder perspective? A: While the benefits of ACAS participation vary between organizations, several advantages include: Avoiding the reduced cut-off times that may result from carriers requesting earlier data submission from freight forwarders that are not ACAS filers Facilitating freight forwarder business operations by increasing consolidation lead-times through improved visibility into which shipments require enhanced screening Increasing security by leveraging DHS threat data and other data to employ a risk-based approach through targeted screening Q: How would it work for a freight forwarder if a shipment requires enhanced screening? A: Should a shipment require enhanced screening, email or phone notification will be provided to the freight forwarder as soon as possible, in order to afford the freight forwarder an opportunity to segregate or screen the shipment under its National Cargo Screening Program (NCSP), or as an authorized representative of the carrier, as appropriate. Where a freight forwarder is not able to perform the enhanced screening, the forwarder should communicate the ACAS disposition of the cargo to the carrier, and the carrier will perform the screening. Q: How does ACAS apply in countries that have NCSP recognition through TSA? A: ACAS is required for air cargo supply chain participants in all countries, including those operating under an NCSP. Operating in an NCSP country does not exempt participants from ACAS requirements; the NCSP program simply allows approved air cargo supply chain participants to screen in accordance with that country’s domestic cargo screening regime. Q: What do I do if my data transmission is rejected? A: Correct the error and resubmit. If you are not able to determine the issue, please contact your Client Representative. Q: Who do I contact if I have technical issues? A: Please contact your Client Representative. If one has not yet been assigned, please send an email to gmb.clientrepoutreach@cbp.dhs.gov. Q: What happens if there is a duplicate filing? A: Subsequent filings are treated as updates by the ACAS system. Unlike the CAMIR, there is no need to distinguish between inbound messages (such as FRI) and change messages (such as FRC). |